TFNU Member Spotlight - Rick Jones


Rick, who also goes by the moniker of “Kyotei”, is one of those people who you’ve undoubtedly passed along the trails at one time or another and probably didn’t even know it.

A native to Utah, Rick has hiked and explored the hills and valleys of this area for decades. He knows them in the way that very few do. He knows where to find all of the landmarks - both known and tucked away. He is careful to guard many of his discoveries as he’s seen much damage done to important Native American Rock Art that has been preserved along with historic mines that can be found all around the Wasatch Front. He’s not gatekeeping these treasures - he’s doing his part to protect them. We do have it on good authority that if you ask,  he’s always willing to escort any interested parties to see some of these gems.

One Northern Utah spot that is particularly close to his heart is the area from Jump-Off Canyon to Garner Canyon. He used to explore this area a lot as a child and it brings back good memories. He’s looking forward to seeing how the waterfall will be this year after all of the snow. He also loves to hike along any of the riverwalk trails. You can’t beat the beauty of a natural river. As a seasoned hiker, Rick still makes sure that his pack is always full with first aid supplies, power bars, phone charge and binoculars.

Rick became a member a Malans Peak Member of TFNU last June and shared with us that becoming a member was important to him as the Mission of TFNU is so important and he wants to do what he can to make sure that we are working towards saving some areas for our future generations to enjoy. He supports TFNU knowing that his donation goes to ensure that our trails are maintained, improved, and that new ones will continue being created.

When asked if he could have one wish for the trails in our area, what it would be, he replied with:

“A suspension bridge parallel to the siphon at the mouth of Ogden Canyon so I could walk straight across the trail from 9th Street to 29th Street and beyond.”

That would be pretty cool. A wise man with a good heart for our trails.

His advice to us all:

“Always bring plenty of water, don’t harass the rattlesnakes, pack out your trash, and above all, have fun!” - Rick “Kyotei” Jones



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