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Interested in Volunteering for TFNU?


Throughout our Trail Season (usually between the end of April - October) our Trail Crew is out working hard on trail maintenance, construction, clean up and whatever else is needed to maintain and protect our natural trails in Northern Utah. During this time, TFNU hosts weekly or bi-weekly Trail Maintenance and Clean Up Days where we ask for volunteer help from trail users and any other interested parties. These events are typically held during the week from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. We ask that participants register online, bring work gloves, sunscreen, water and appropriate shoes. It’s hard work and we thank you for leaving children under 12 and dogs at home. Refreshments afterward will be provided.

These volunteer events are dependent on the weather and the particular project that the Trail Crew is working on at that time. To sign up to be notified of these work nights, please join our TFNU Group page here on GivePulse is an amazing volunteer management program that helps plug people into organizations, tracks your individual volunteer hours and impacts as well as provides us with a place to gather all of our necessary volunteer waivers, contact information and instructions for a particular project. When you create a profile within GivePulse, you can join our TFNU Group and be the first to be notified when a new volunteer opportunity is posted throughout our trail season.

TFNU GivePulse Volunteer Registration 



We have several Trail Kiosk projects available to Eagle Scouts interested in planning, constructing and installing these heavy duty, weather resistant, trail kiosk signs. We provide the scout with blueprints on exactly how to build the kiosk as well as a location where the finished product will be placed. The rest is up to them. For more information on these opportunities, please visit our Eagle Scout Project page:


Occasionally, we have projects that work well to accommodate volunteer groups. If and when we have these opportunities come up, we will post them on social media. However, due to the overwhelming number of large group volunteer project requests we continue to receive, we are not able to accommodate them and are no longer taking Group Volunteer Requests. Groups are always welcome to sign up for available spots in any of our Community Volunteer Events. For a list of current opportunities, click the link below.


If you’d still like to help out or give back, but aren’t able to attend a volunteer event, you can always donate money towards our volunteer refreshments here or you can simply share our posts and consider joining as a sustaining member for as little as just $5 a month by signing up on this page

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