Richard S. White Memorial Dedication and Award Announcement

It was a beautiful brisk morning on Saturday, April 23rd. Earth Day. Before the hustle and bustle of the Ogden Nature Center’s Annual Free Earth Day Community Event, a small ground gathered about a ⅓ of a mile into the Nature Center’s trail at a peaceful junction just before Blackbird pond to dedicate a bench permanently set there in honor our dear friend, TFNU Board Member and long time friend of the trails, Richard S. White.

Richard truly was a friend to the trails. His passion for the outdoors was obvious in his early years, as he would work on the building and maintenance of local trails, and later became instrumental in fundraising, as he was one of the few people we knew who, with one call, could find money needed for a particular project or improvement.

Aric W. Manning, the Executive Director of Trails Foundation of Northern Utah said during the brief dedication, “Richard was a fantastic board member, donor, fundraiser and volunteer, but most importantly, for everybody here, a friend.”

Richard was also credited as being one of the first to volunteer for almost anything. Richard’s decades of unselfish service helped create Weber County’s outstanding public network of paved pathways and natural surface trails.

Richard’s wife, Karen and their family were touched by the idea of having a bench donated in Richard’s name in one of his favorite spots in Ogden - where he also gave so much to -  so that others could stop and have a rest while enjoying nature all around them. It’s quite possibly just as Richard would have wanted it.

Richard’s life made such an impact on the people he knew and had contact with in regard to the trails, but also the patients to whom he served as cardiologist as well. It was always about the heart.

To further the life and inspiration of Richard S. White, Trails Foundation of Northern Utah along with his family have curated and put into place an annual Richard S. White Friend of the Trails Award. This award will be given to the person/or persons who have continued Richard’s legacy with significant and lasting service that has created a culture where all have places to walk, run and ride as they enjoy nature and connect with their neighbors in Northern Utah.

The winner of the Richard S. White Award will receive $500 to be donated to the nonprofit organization of their choice that supports the mission of TFNU. Winners will be announced yearly on National Trails Day (the first Saturday in June.)

Successful nominees for the Richard S. White Award will have done significant work in any one of the following area’s:
Planning, constructing and maintaining public pathways, trails and related open spaces

●      Encouraging outdoor recreation and active transportation for personal well being

●      Protecting and preserving public access to trailheads, mountains, rivers, open spaces and public lands

●      Educating, advocating and raising awareness for proper trail etiquette for all trail users

●      Creating community pride as neighbors interact and come to appreciate their natural environment

To nominate an individual:

 Send an email to with the subject line as “Richard S. White Friend of the Trails Nomination” and include the following:

●      Your name and contact info

●      Your nominated person(s) name and contact info

●      A one to two-page statement explaining the reason why this nominee should be considered for this award. Provide as much descriptive detail as possible to allow the Awards Committee to adequately compare nominees.

April 28, 2022


Adaptive Trails


First Richard S. White Friend of the Trails Award 2022 - Dave Stuart