Peak Challenge Update

June 18th

We are proud to announce that we have our first person to bag Ben Lomond Peak, as well as our first person to have bagged (and reported) all four iconic Ogden Peaks. This honor goes to Alison Schenk! Way to go!


"When I signed up I saw that it started on June 1st and then had a crazy, coffe-induced idea that I could do all four and finish on June 4th. My Dad passed away somewhat unexpectedly last year and his birthday would have been June 4th. We were very close and he was a HUGE influence on us kids growing up, instilling a tremendous love and respect for the outdoors on us, so I wanted to do it to honor him. I got the first three done and got up to the saddle of Ben Lomond on June 4th and then decided it took me too long to get to the saddle, I was too tired and so I turned around. I had all the right gear - full-on mountaineering boots, crampons and ice axe but wasn't "feelin' the love" that day so set out again yesterday. "Ron" the Jackalope is also in honor of my Dad - we thought the mystical jackalope was the most idiotic/hilarious thing ever created and we always had a laugh when we saw one. Here's a photo of Ron looking over to Willard Peak. 😀 Anyways, my intent was never to be the first or fastest but since I missed the summit on his birthday, Father's Day worked fine!"

As of 6/18/2024 here are the stats for everyone else who has submitted their peaks via email to

238 Humans registered
25 Dogs registered

75 Humans and 6 dogs have summitted Malans.
29 Humans and 3 dogs have summitted Lewis.
9 Humans and 1 dog have summited Mt. Ogden
5 Humans have summited Ben Lomond &
9 People have summited 3 different “Bonus” peaks


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