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June 17th - Indian Trail & East Fork

June 17th - Indian Trail & East Fork

Written By Kelli Barkema

June 17th

Trail Crew Lead Alyssa reports on this week’s trail work update:

Update! The foliage in the last two weeks on the trails has definitely exploded, it is good to see. We have been busy wrapping up a few lingering projects so that we can begin working on new projects! With the rise in temperatures, we have migrated beyond the BST to start working on trails that provide more shade protection from the hot sun.

This past Friday and Saturday, we joined together with local mountain bike teams to facilitate volunteer days for the athletes. Interesting fact, athletes participating in their mountain bike team are required to give 3 hours of their time to trail work in order to compete for the season. That's a lot of hours amongst all of the local teams! Our objective Friday was to perform maintenance on the West end of Indian Trail, which included chopping vegetation, working on drains and tackling creeping backslopes to regain tread surface. Saturday our objective was to dig a reroute on the East end of Indian Trail to circumvent the failing trail segment along the stream. I don't have a head count, but I'd speculate both days brought out 150+ athletes and parents.

Speaking of digging in the dirt, we still have a few spots remaining in our volunteer session happening tomorrow, Tuesday the 18th from 5:00-7:30pm. We will be re-working tread surface on East Fork out of the Art Nord Trailhead. Come join us!

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